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15 Things About Me

 Here are 15 random things about me:

  1. I married my high school sweetheart (5 years after graduation and after 3 years apart).
  2. I am the only child in my family with a four year college degree and both of my kids have finished college and ware working full time.
  3. I worked full time while in college (paying my own way) and finished with no loans and no debt.
  4. I love to watch animated movies such as The Incredibles and Up!
  5. I write software that helps my company’s factories track inventory and gather engineering data.
  6. I have worked as a baker’s assistant, stock boy, restaurant host, waiter, bus boy, meat cutter (butcher), frozen food clerk, dairy department manager, cashier, materials coordinator (part buyer), programmer, web master, IT department manager, real estate photographer, software developer and database developer.
  7. My first two cars cost less than $600 combined. They were an AMC Hornet and a Ford LTD.
  8. I once hid in the back seat of a yellow Ford Gremlin in order to sneak into a drive-in movie.
  9. I had a dog named Beauty who is a beagle, but she cannot smell a rabbit ten feet away. Luckily, I don’t hunt.
  10. I majored in Art in college, but later changed to Finance. Now I create software (and take photographs in my free time).
  11. My grandmother invited all six of her grandchildren to spend the summer at her lake house in northern Minnesota (every year!). We swam and picked raspberries and hiked in the woods (better than any summer camp).
  12. I have taken over 15,000 (now 80,000+) photographs and I am still learning about photography.
  13. I have lived in Florham Park, NJ, Minneapolis MN, Rochester, MN, Greensboro, NC and Raleigh, NC.
  14. C++. C#. VB.NET, ASP, HTML, SQL, Assembly, C, PHP, and Java are all programming languages that I have used to create applications and web sites.
  15. I love to have bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, with toast and juice. Sometimes at night, too.
The image below is a nod to Norman Rockwell and was image 36/366 in 2012.



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