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Showing posts from January, 2019

Just Go!

Does winter have you wishing you could create more art, but you’re stuck indoors? I was feeling the winter blues and decided that today I would get out and photograph something new. I had to go to Durham, NC for a client house picture, so I planned to shoot something in Durham for me, too. It’s amazing how once you get out there with your camera (or sketch pad or notebook) the ideas start flowing. My friend, Lauri Novak, wrote an article about this recently (link below), where she talks about getting out there and shooting. She was so right! And as a bonus I got some steps in too! I was thinking I’d shoot downtown Durham, but decided that I’d head over to Duke Gardens instead. Even in winter, the gardens have some interesting plants, paths, trees and buildings to shoot. I’ve been to the gardens so many times, I have a route I take that lets me hit the interesting spots. I started with the white garden which is behind the visitor center, then walked over to the learning center. After th